While some historic buildings are gone from the Santa Clara Valley as a
result of housing and industrial development, others remain and have been
handsomely restored. The maintenance of historic buildings owned outright by
city governments in the Valley has been spotty, with no clear cut policy on
funding for repairs and restoration. Private donations have been solicited
but generally have been inadequate. Also, lacking is a clear policy for
City purchase of historic structures, acceptance of donated historic
structures and guidelines for condemnation by private owners. Preservation
Commissions may make recommendations but have little, if any authority.
Hopefully, in the future public and private funding for maintenance and restoration will
prevail over neglect and destruction so that these grand architectural
treasures will be preserved for viewing and appreciation by
current and future generations. The structures shown on this web site were
selected for historical significance, architectural style, function and
ownership. Historical background information on these buildings has been
included along with current photographs.
New historical buildings will be added in the future.
Enjoy your tour!